NABET-CWA/NBC Negotiations: Bulletin #9

September 22, 2023
NBCU 2022 Master Agreement Negotiations – Bulletin #9
Representatives for NABET-CWA and NBCUniversal resumed Master Agreement negotiations this week at NABET-CWA Headquarters in Washington DC.
The parties continued discussions regarding all unresolved issues in these negotiations, including overall wage increases, short turnaround provisions, vacation entitlements for staff employees, benefits for daily hire employees, as well as new work opportunities on digital and streaming platforms.
The Union and the Company were able to reach tentative agreements in several key areas, including increased per diem for NABET-represented employees who are assigned to travel, increases in the daily benefit payment for daily hire employees, increases in daily hire travel pay, improvements in daily hire sick leave provisions, changes to overseas travel provisions in Sideletter 10, and daily hire employees who work more than 170-days in a calendar year will be eligible to participate in the Comcast Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).
The parties plan to reconvene bargaining in the coming weeks with the mutual goal and commitment to conclude these negotiations and to deliver a new overall contract proposal to the membership for ratification consideration.
The current Master Agreement is in full force and effect, with no exceptions, pursuant to a negotiated extension agreement between NABET-CWA and NBCUniversal.
Please continue to monitor Sector and Local Union websites and be alert for official updates relating to these negotiations.
In Solidarity,
The NBC NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee
● Local 11: President Lou Marinaro and Executive Board Member Rob Weiss
● Local 31: Jim Long, Network News EJ and President Bantu Opiotennione
● Local 41: Local 41 Member Ed Dabrowski and Executive Board Member Doug Webber
● Local 53: President Emeritus Steve Ross, Executive Board Member Tim Stepich, and Warren Stern
● NABET-CWA Sector: President Charlie Braico, Local 11 General Counsel and Advisor to the Bargaining Committee Max Sicherman, Assistant to the Sector President Jodi Fabrizio-Clontz, and Nikisha Johnson
NBC Master Agreement Ratification: Bulletin #11 - Membership Ratifies a New Master Agreement