Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Your NABET-CWA bargaining committee met today in a telephone caucus to discuss the status of negotiations with NBCSN and strategy moving forward with bargaining.
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic negotiations have been delayed. The Committee will be reaching out to the company to schedule bargaining dates and discuss the logistics of conducting these sessions via telephone or video conferences. Your Committee remains dedicated to achieving a full and fair contract for our membership.
NBC and NBCSN have had virtually no communication with the crew regarding the status of the upcoming race season. The Committee will be pressing the company for clarity on its plans for the future of the season and crew scheduling.
Additionally, we remind you that the Company must maintain the status quo for your working conditions during contract negotiations. Your terms and conditions of employment with NBCSN for NASCAR work, including wage rates, cannot be altered without negotiating with the Union.
Sisters and Brothers, we understand this has been a long process which has been further interrupted by the pandemic. Your patience, resolve, solidarity, and support during these difficulties has been admirable and greatly appreciated. Stay strong and united and remember to take care of each other.
In solidarity,
Your NABET-CWA Bargaining Committee:
Louis M. Marinaro – NABET Sector Vice President & NABET-CWA Local 11 President
Max H. Sicherman – General Counsel & Grievance Chairman, NABET-CWA Local 11
Bantu Opiotennione – Vice President, NABET-CWA Local 31
John Duffy – Shop Steward
Dean Kamienski – Shop Steward
NBC Master Agreement Ratification: Bulletin #11 - Membership Ratifies a New Master Agreement