Today, Monday, September 27, 2021, the Union's Network Negotiating Committee (NNC) commenced negotiations with ABC, Inc. at the Company’s headquarters in New York City. The opening round of bargaining is expected to continue through Wednesday, October 6, 2021. The Master Agreement was originally slated to expire on March 31, 2021, but was extended by mutual agreement of the parties to March 31, 2022.
The Union and the Company formally exchanged proposal packages across the table at the outset of the session, followed by opening remarks from ABC’s Managing Vice President of Labor Relations and Company Chief Spokesperson Sean Quinn, and a Company-produced PowerPoint presentation and remarks by WLS-TV President and General Manager John Idler, stating ABC’s view of the economic status of the television broadcast industry.
NABET-CWA President and Union Chief Spokesperson Charlie Braico then made his opening remarks, rebutting much of the pessimistic forecast painted by ABC in their remarks, and emphasizing that the NNC is “here to be a loud and strong voice for all members, staff and daily hire, many of whom have submitted proposals to be presented during these negotiations.”
The rest of the day was spent with President Braico running through and explaining the NABET-CWA proposal package for the General Articles; the Engineering A Unit; the Newswriter F (San Francisco), K (Chicago) and O (Los Angeles) Units; the Publicists R Unit (New York), Sideletters and the Sports Event Agreement.
Negotiations are set to resume tomorrow morning with the Company presenting their proposals. The NNC will provide members with copies and analysis of the proposals and their potential impacts on their wages, hours and working conditions after the discussions.
The Union’s negotiating committee today was:
- Local 16: Arthur Mazzacca, Bill Bores, Jim Nolan, and Jim Joyce.
- Local 31: Alex Staherski, Bob Williams, and Carl Mayers
- Local 41: Chris Willadsen, Patrick Keating, and Mike Johnson
- Local 51: Carrie Biggs-Adams, and Brad Belstock
- NABET-CWA Sector: President Charlie Braico, NABET-CWA General Counsel Judiann Chartier, Esq., Assistant to the Sector President Jodi Fabrizio-Clontz, and Remote Servicing Coordinator Steve Rubbinaccio.
Please continue to monitor Sector and Local Union websites and check email notices for updates relating to negotiations and mobilization activities.
In Solidarity,
The ABC NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee
NBC Master Agreement Ratification: Bulletin #11 - Membership Ratifies a New Master Agreement